
14. The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros

The House on
Mango Street
how shall I explain this novel.

Well first off it is was also for my children's lit. course but although it is from a child’s point of view the subject matter is not exactly for children. Esperenza the main character & narrator lives on
Mango street
which is located in the slums. Esperenza dreams of the day where she can live in a big house.

The story is written in small vignettes and they each stand alone as a story. But each story doesn’t always reveal everything that happens so you’re left with the task of drawing your own conclusions.

I enjoyed how it was written even though it was frustrating at times trying to understand what exactly happened. So I rate this novel one checkmark and one x.

Till next time,
keep those books wide open (just be sure not to crack the spine)

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