
7. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Now I really wished I blogged right after I finished reading because then my memory would be more sharper and I could pin point different points that I really enjoyed. Sadly I didn't but I did enjoy this book immensely.

The last in the series of the Hunger Games and it was an intense ride. It kept you turning the pages and whenever an tough situation came, which happened every chapter, I really had to struggle to not let my eyes stray down and catch a word that would give away what happened.

So I do rate this novel double checkmarks.

But I am still undecided on how I feel about the ending. Partially because at first I wasn't sure if Katniss picked the right man (more like young man). But when I finished reading I agreed that she did. But the ending itself lacked something. Collins kept  me interested till the end but I don't know about the ending. (wow I sound confused. But I am.)

The series was and is still amazing. My one suggestion is that when you read the series makes sure you have in your possession the whole series so you can read one right after the other. Because it is quite agonizing having to wait.

So keep on turning those pages (my creative juices are not flowing. I will come up with a good ending phrase one day…hopefully)  (:


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